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Power of Cartoon

Updated: Jun 10

In 1797, James Gillray released a political cartoon satirizing the then Prime Minister, William Pitt the Younger, who attempted to seize the Bank of England's gold reserves. The central bank was personified as an elderly woman fervently protecting her chest of treasures. This depiction led to the enduring nickname"Old Lady" for the central bank, a term still widely used by financiers and politicians today.

1797年,詹姆斯·吉爾雷(James Gillray)發布了一部政治漫畫,諷刺當時的首相小威廉·皮特(William Pitt the Younger)試圖奪取英格蘭銀行的黃金儲備。中央銀行被化身為一位熱心保護她的寶箱的老婦人。這種描述導致央行獲得了一個經久不衰的綽號 “老太太” (Old Lady) ,這個詞至今仍被金融家和政界人士廣泛使用。

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